A union of parishes that includes: The Church of St. Mary the Virgin (Old St Mary's Parish, Clonmel), Mary Street, Clonmel; Holy Trinity, Fethard; St. Paul's, Cahir; St. Patrick's, Inislonaght(Marlfield); Tullameelan (Knocklofty)
Welcome to Clonmel Union of Parishes (Church of Ireland, a province of the Anglican Communion), Notice board for Parish Events...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
St. Paul’s, Cahir –
As I write this the redecoration is almost completed and we are going to recondition and polish the mosaic and tiles. Evening Prayer will be said on Sunday, 21st February in St. Paul’s at 3.00pm so that the parish and community can come together to thank Almighty God for this important moment in the history of this most historic church
Evening Prayer,
St Paul's