Welcome to Clonmel Union of Parishes (Church of Ireland, a province of the Anglican Communion), Notice board for Parish Events...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Newsletter December 2016- January 2017

If you have not visited our parish website, please do so; not just once, but regularly. All activities, together with information from other parishes, can be found there. Also, if we need to ever cancel an event; this will be the place to find out one way or the other!
For diocesan information; google “Church of Ireland” and you will find the links to all parishes on this island. So, there will be little or no excuses for saying you did not know where you could worship on any Sunday in Ireland.
If you want something posted on our parish site, you need to ask me or my daughter who is also working with some other parishes to help them get up to speed. Our Diocesan Communication Officer; Margaret Hawkins is doing a fantastic job in bringing our diocesan site up to speed and is there to help us spread our news!

If you should be getting your newsletter by email and it has not arrived – text your email address to me – if you change your address, let me know!!!

Thank-you to those who supported us in our recent family bereavement. It was very much appreciated.

May I wish you and yours a Peaceful & Happy Christmas and a Healthy and  Peaceful 2017!

Safeguarding Trust – Garda Vetting is now done electronically. We are about to 
form a new panel and we are also encouraged to Garda Vet a portion of our Select Vestry. For those who do not have a computer, there is a way of submitting the form through the parish liaison officer. In order to progress this new way of applying for vetting, we now have a service contract with Church House. There has been some confusion about transference of roles between parishes and other organisations. This is not yet available to us. So, unfortunately, if you are vetted for a particular role in one place, you need to be vetted again for working with other organisations!

Singing group – Will meet in Old St Marys on Fridays 4th & 18th November
and Friday, 2nd December 2016 @ 8.00pm
All welcome – this is an opportunity to learn new hymns and sing old ones in a relaxed atmosphere.

Place 4U -  Charity Coffee Mornings on  Friday mornings 
Greeting Cards – Greeting cards with pictures of all our 5 churches are available in  
each church at €2 each. The inside is blank to facilitate personal greeting

Confirmation – The Bishop has set a date for Clonmel on 25th June 2017. Classes will begin after Christmas. Please, let me know if you have a young person who wishes to be confirmed or if you, yourself wish to be Confirmed. If there is no indication of any candidates for 2017 before 20th December; I will need to inform the Bishop that he can remove our date from his diary!

Tus/Fas – Our Tus participant has resumed working with us under a different arrangement.

Mariancourt – The Rector attended the Christmas Party there. As usual it was a really happy and fun afternoon. All facilities in the wonderful residential unit in the  centre of Clonmel is, at the moment, full!

Christmas Fair – Thank-you to those who worked so hard to make this annual event  
a success. It takes up a lot of time for some during bthe precious weeks. It is such a pity so many parishioners do not support our efforts to be community and to keep our heads above water. Thank-you to all who participated in so many ways!



 Oct – Nov '16
St Pauls, Cahir
Holy Trinity Fethard
Old St Marys

Dec 11th
Advent 3
Carols @ 7.30pm


Dec 16th Friday
Carol Service in Old St Mary's, Clonmel @ 7.30pm
Dec 18th
Advent 4

Carols @ 7.30pm
Worship in other church
Dec 24th

Christmas Eve - 1st Eucharist of Christmas in St Paul's Church, Cahir @ 11.30pm
Dec 25th

Worship in other church
Jan 1st
New Yr
No 8.30am Service
Central Service of Holy Communion in 
St Paul's, Cahir @ 10.00am*
Jan 6th

H.C – Old St Mary's, Clonmel @ 10.30am
Jan 8th




Weekday Wednesday Service – Service at  10.30am in Old St Marys  – Refreshments 

Congratulations! - To David & Anne Marie Kingston on the birth of Orla, a little
  sister for Aoife.

Baptism - Soni Ene, daughter of Chioma, decided she wanted to be Baptised a 
little while ago. And so, on Sunday, 4th December she made her own vows and received Holy Communion for the first time in Old St Mary's. We pray that she may grow in faith and in the love of her Lord.     

Bereavements  - We extend our sincere sympathy to Kieran McLaughlin and his  
family on the death of his father  in Omagh, NI
Charles Edward (Charlie) Thorogood died after a short illness in South Tipperary General Hospital on 23rd October 2016. We offer our sympathy to his son, Gary. His funeral will took place on Friday, 4th November in Old St. Mary's @ 11.00am. Cremation will tke place at the Island, Cork afterwards.
Keith Frederick Mason died, after an illness borne with foritude and patience, in South Tipperary Hospital on 30th October 2016. His Funeral Service took place in Old St Mary's, Clonmel on Thursday, 3rd  November 2016. Cremation took place at the Island, Cork. We offer our sympathy to his widow, Vera, children, Alan & Claire, grandchildren and sister, Elaine.

Diocesan Readers' Commissioning – Mrs Ann Gill & Mr Ger James were 
commissioned as Diocesan Lay Readers on the evening of Advent Sunday in St Laserian's Cathedral, Leighlin during an amazing Advent Eucharist. They and six other, one posthumously, received their certificates in Christian Studies from the Pontifical College, Maynooth on the same evening. Any body can do this course for their own benefit or as a pathway to further studies. Speak to the Rector if you would like to try it. The new course has just begun, but you may be allowed join if you ask asap. Ann did her training in this area and you will be seeing her again!

Board of Management Training – Ms Wallace and I attended a training evening for 
Treasurers of Primary Schools one evening about a fortnight ago. It was very good and applied really to anybody working in similar environments. There was lots of revision, enlightenment and sound advice!

Sunday Life -This is an hour-long programme on TippFm which is broadcast from 
7- 8am on Sunday mornings. It usually comprises music, reading and interviews. We keep it light as most of our listeners have just woken up!

Your Prayers – Please remember those who are unwell, at home & in hospital. At 
this time we need to pray, especially, for peace.

Whist Drives  - Ken Harris organised the Monster Whist Drive; which was held on 
11th November. The attendance was small, but , with many generous donations, the final result was €750; which is now in our hall account. Thank-you Ken and all your helpers and donors!
A whist drive is quite relaxing, sociable evening with a nice supper and all for €5. Contributions to the supper, prizes and raffle, please; even if you do not play!
                           Friday -   9th December 2016  @ 8.00pm sharp
                           Friday  -   January   2017
                           Friday  -   February 2017

Tipperary Protestant Orphans Society -This is one of the Church of Ireland's 
charities for those in need. It is organised by county and is about 200 years old. Funds are, at this stage, low. Rector's make recommendations.

Diocesan Board of Education – This is also a Church of Ireland charity and is 
organised by diocese with clergy & teachers as members. Once again funds are low. We once had an annual collection. This committee organises the annual school's services.

Marshall Beresford Grant – We applied for help in replacing the perished coving  
over the east window in Old St Mary's and will receive €250 as a grant on completion of the work and, as is usual, on presentation of receipts. We can expect payment of the grant in late Spring 2017.

Concert – Clonmel Rugby Club  - 13th December 2016 in OSM this concert is Sold Out !

Diocesan Magazine – For those of you who have been receiving this monthly 
 magazine, the price for 2017 is €40 for 10 copies – If anybody else would like to read about all that goes on in the parishes of our diocese, please ring me immediately as I need to place our order asap. Do not forget to give me you payment – they need to be pre-booked!

Cleaning & Flowers in our Churches – Where there are Tus/Fas participants, cleaning for ordinary Sundays is usually done by them – this is not the case in Old St Mary's! Remember, your church needs to be clean and tidy; particularly for Sunday worship. Flowers should not be left to one or two parishioners to do – volunteer!! New rotas will be put in place asap!

Heating – Churches are old and lack insulation – turning the heating on for hours on 
end does not make the building warmer than it does for running it for a maximum of one hour before worship/events! If you close the doors on entry and leaving the heat will be most effective!!!!

Assessment – Is due with the Diocesan Treasurer on 31st December 2016. We all 
 expect our churches and clergy to be there for us when we need them. In order for this to happen, we need your support!

East End of Old St Mary's – The new coving will be completed and the east wall 
 painted before Christmas. It will cost some more than originally thought.

Envelopes & Assessment – Just a reminder that in taking part in the envelope 
scheme, you need to fill all envelopes and to indicate whether you wish the contents of your envelopes to be divided between Sunday collections only or shared between Sunday collections & Assessment.  Receipts will be issued as soon as possible early in 2017.  In 2015 those of you who filled out the tax relief forms reduced our liability for Assessment by €3,500 – if more of you did that, we would get much nearer to achieving our full Assessment.

Variety Concert – This concert was organised by STAC and was the last of the 
series of commemoration events for the centenary of the 1916 Rising to be held in Clonmel. A variety of organisations took part, the Clonmel Rugby Club Choir, Bellevue Performance Academy, Kelly Longergan, the Gordonaires, Banna Cluain Meala & Trad music with Emma & Jenny. It was a most enjoyable evening!